Donnerstag, 27. November 2014

So I finally got a nintendo 3ds XL! I wanted one for so long, but I never managed to save up for it. I got it for a pretty good deal and I actually like the colour. It's pink, which isn't my favourite colour, but I'm totally fine with it. Also animal crossing new leaf was preinstalled and it's so much fun to play. I love it so much! I also got a planner for next year (I just can't get my shit together without).
A few minutes ago I finished watching shiki, which was quite good. I found this Anime whilst searching for yanderes, which whom I am obsessed right now thanks to Mirai Nikki.^^ But none of the characters in shiki is really a yandere... but I liked it anyway. The characterdesign is quite strange, the hair looks weird and I didn't really like the clothes though. The story is about vampires so it's nothing too special or surprising. It's nothing I regret watching and the soundtrack is so beautiful!

So, good night!

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